Balance Work and Play After Moving to Your New Home

When you’re moving into a new home, you’re going to have a lot you need to accomplish. You’ll have plenty of work to do unpacking and getting your new house looking more like home. It’s important to make sure you’re getting all of these tasks underway as soon as you can, but make sure you’re not starting your future in your new home with too much stress. It’s important to balance the work you need to do with time to unwind and get to know your new home and the surrounding area. Here are some ideas that will help you enjoy your new life right from the start:

Day One

Moving day is going to be hectic, crazy and exciting. You’re going to have to work hard and keep organized. But once the move is complete, try to find some time to unwind. If your friends and family are helping with the move, plan on having an unpacking party. Plan the move itself early in the day and make sure you have some food and cold drinks to thank everyone who gave you a hand. Your friends and family can stick around to help you get the essentials unpacked. Once you’re done, relax a little and enjoy the company.

You might want to consider taking some time off work right after your move. Plan your move for a weekend and take Monday and Tuesday off, for example. This may not be possible, but if it is, it’s a great way to ease stress and get your life started without too much worry.

Day Two

If you could manage to have the day after moving day off from work, get up early and start unpacking. Start with the essential rooms and work steadily. But do not work the whole day away. Plan on stopping with enough time to take a walk and explore your new neighborhood. Maybe even go out to dinner or see if there’s anything fun to do near your house. When you get home, you’ll be tired and happy and able to sleep well on your second night in your new house.

Day Three

By the third day, you should have a pretty good head start on unpacking. Now, it’ll be easy to lose momentum, so make sure you keep pushing. Don’t quit while you’re ahead, even if you have work. If you’ve managed to get the third day off, get unpacking early like you did the day before. Plan on having some time to enjoy your new home. Maybe grill out if the weather is nice or have a quiet night watching a movie. If you have to go to work, plan on an easy dinner or order out when you get home. Set aside one to two hours after work to unpack something, even if it’s one box. Then relax in your new home.

Days Four, Five and Your First Weekend

Keep this balancing act between hard work and relaxation going for the rest of the week and hopefully, you’ll be finished by the weekend. You can use your first weekend in your new house to square away the minor details. If you’re lucky you’ll be able to spend at least one day during the weekend with nothing to unpack and a lot to enjoy.

Professional Movers

A house move is stressful, but with the right planning, you can make it easier on yourself. Plan on trusting a team of experts to help you with your move and you’ll immediately be on your way to enjoying your new home. Contact our team at Sinclair Moving & Storage to get your move done right.